We are in the 21st century: technology is an inseparable part of our life. Children born in this century are experiencing the impact of technology since birth and will continue to do in the future. There has been numerous innovations in the last 50 years. It remains unseen what kind of innovation there is to come in the next 50 years. In TiLL, we give great emphasis to educate children on technology from an early age. Ideally, this has to happen both in the classroom and at home. The kids will know about the benefits and potential risks of technology. The greater their knowledge, the more likely they’ll appreciate its value and truly become a responsible digital citizen. Our focus is on children aged between 7 to 18 years.
Design and Technology?Design and technology provides a good experience into planning and creating future designs or products. When doing such a project, students create a set goal in their mind, and along the way, learn how to make it a reality. They are also exposed to different forms of materials and tools, while improving their critical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as teamwork.
Making a Coin Sorter
Tasked with the problem of sorting different coins, the seniors got to work making a cardboard coin sorter. They learnt how to create a 3D rendered image of the final product, how to measure and cut accurately and even how to use the different tools available.
Children building fun controllable devices and games using Makey Makey.
Children building fun controllable devices and games using Makey Makey.